Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Miracles, Miracles, Miracles 10/21/13

Sisters in gray & pink

Sisters in Turquoise &  Black
Sisters with a great senior couple, the Creers
October 21, 2013

Hello my Fellow Children of God,

     How are all of you? I hope that things are going well and that you are remembering Christ in all that you do. This has been a really neat week. As a mission we have all been focusing a lot on the little miracles we see everyday and then we share them with each other in our districts and zones. It is so amazing to not only see what miracle we are seeing, but what ones all the other sisters are seeing every day. Some days its even a miracle if we get some where on time.. Haha, but it is so great to not focus so much on the big things, but the little things that we see everywhere, because they really are all over the place. I love it so much that the Lord blesses us with so many things that we are able to see the beauty in. 

     I can't even think how it would be to not know that there is a God and that He created everything for us. How could someone not think that. Sorry that has really been on my mind a lot lately. It is so interesting to see that as you really start to love everyone you talk with that you try to see how they think and find ways of how to let them gain that knowledge that I have been fortunate enough to obtain. I really have grown to love all of my investigators and I just want them all to come to the truth, but some of them are just so darn stubborn. It's okay though, because even if I don't see them to their conversion, at least I will know that I have done what I can and the rest is up to them and the Lord. It is hard, but it is also reality. 

     So cool story, today Sister Brink and I talked with one of the guys who worked with doing the layout and editing of Preach My Gospel and a whole bunch of other things (he works at the Church Office Building). It was just really cool to talk with him about how all of it is so inspired and how it is truly helping missionaries to progress forward with this work for the Lord. I love it. And we talked a lot about how the Lord prepares his people. He really does. We see that all of the time. The Lord knows us so perfectly and He knows what we all need to do that will prepare us for our next steps in life. He is so incredible and I feel so privileged to be a part of this great work. 

     I will write more of my miracles next week. I am starting a "Miracle Journal" to record all the miracle, whether great or small, that I see every day. I think that it will really help me see God's hand fully in my life. I think it would be a good idea for us all to do that. So since I am a missionary I am going to invite all of you to star and keep a miracle journal and record all the miracles that you see throughout your day every day! I know that it will also help you see God's hand in your life and you will see that he is blessing you all the time, whether you realize it or not. I love this gospel and I know it is the only true gospel here on the Earth today. I know that is was restored by Christ through Joseph Smith and that he was a prophet of God. I love sharing that with people and helping them come closer to Christ. I know that so many things are happening right now and I am so blessed to be a part of this great work. 

     I love you all so very much and hope that things are going well with you. Remember that Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father love you and are aware of you. They love you so much and want the best for you. You are the greatest!

     Sister Sara Snow

Sisters in purple
Sara dancing in the falling leaves
Sara at West Gate information booth - Temple Square
Sister Brink's 20th birthday celebration
            more dancing
Sisters Brink & Snow in the West Gate booth
Note how they try to match colors! Cute sisters!
Sisters Brink & Snow

Craziness 10/14/13

October 14, 2013


     Wow, so this last week. It is kinda crazy with learning my new assignment, but so fun. It is nice because Sister Brink and I are staying together for this transfer! So much fun! I love her investigators and we are in West Gate (kind of the information booth at Temple Square) so it is fun to see all the workings of the square and basically manning it. So fun, because you get to know mostly all of the sister by name and face, and voice, so its really fun stuff! Still have a lot to learn, but Sister Brink is great! We actually were in the MTC together and came in at the same time, so much fun!

     Something great about the district leader I had for a week - she would call us every night and we would share a miracle that we had seen that day. I really do just love seeing and hearing about all the big and little miracles we all get to witness every day of our lives! One cool thing was that a lady just came up to us when we were at our assignment in West Gate and asked us how she could meet with missionaries! So golden! Well she was a convert of about two years, but really only joined for her parents then she went inactive. That day she came up to us she said her friend came out of the temple because she had just gotten married in there. So it got the girl to want to really learn and understand what she was now a part of! So great how things come about in our lives and as long as we are examples of what we know to be true, we can bring others to the truth! 

     Well I love you all and will try to write more next week. I love this work so so much and hope that all who get the chance to be a part of it will take advantage of the opportunity! It is so great to be serving the lord 100% of the time! You see people go from not knowing anything to seeing them light up because of what they have come to know is so true! I love this gospel and know that it is the gospel of Jesus Christ! I love you and hope that you will keep up your spirits and always thank Heavenly Father for all the blessings that you receive every day!

     Sister Sara Snow
Sisters Chen & Snow with Sara's brother Josh & his wife Nicole

Sara with her brother Jeremy

Sara with Abe Krizin who was a missionary here in Texas

Monday? / Conference 10/7/13

October 7, 2013

Hey Ya'll!

     How are my favorite people doing? I love hearing from anyone and everyone, oh and hand written letters are great too! It is always fun to see mail. Anyway. enough about how I want people to write me, Conference was great huh!!! We didn't get a chance to listen to all of it, but we got to go to the Sunday afternoon session, which was so great! I can't wait to read all the talks! It seemed like such an inspired conference, but aren't they all! Ah, so wonderful to get to hear from our beloved prophet and other great leaders of the church! 

     So I am sure that you are all curious as to what Temple Square sisters do during conference. Well we are on the square by 7:30 in the morning and start talking to people. We mostly talk with members these two days because of obvious reasons. But it is neat, because everyone could use some uplifting. Also we try to get referrals because, as you know, every member a missionary, and we can help! It is so cool here at Temple Square because we do get to call people from all over the world, so if there is anyone anywhere who speaks any language, we can help! I love it. So we educate the members about what we do. We are not here to replace local missionaries, we are here to help them. You know, some people don't want missionaries in their homes, but they are okay with a phone call, So we do that and its awesome! We also are the missionaries on the mormon.org chat (now don't go on there looking for me!). We do the same work, just in a different way and I love it. So we just get information of people that we can help and teach and uplift. Then we go home at 9:30. So long days, but so worth it. We also got to talk to a lot of different people who come here from all over the world, just for conference! Incredible! 

     Well that is about all I have, since I wrote just a couple of days ago. So I have monday p-day for today and at least next week. I don't know about after that, but I will let you know. Things are kind of confusing because my companion is leaving back to her mission in NY tomorrow (which is a week before transfers). SO that's why I am writing today! Well I love you and hope you all enjoyed hearing the words that God would have us hear from his chosen leaders for today! Have a great week! Love you all so much!!

     Sister Sara Snow

Sara on the Conference Center grounds

Sara on Temple Square with cousin Chelsey

Sara with cousin Danielle

Sara with friend Kelly

Sara with her Aunt Mary, Uncle Dave, cousin Danielle & her husband JK

Spread the Good News 10/3/13

October 3, 2013

Hello everyone!

     How are all of you doing? Things are still going great here in the Temple Square Mission! I love being here and we get great miracles, whether they are big or small. 

     So we took around a group of Chinese people and they all seemed so interested! One of them who gave us his information wrote on the card that he wants to love others how God loves him!! So golden! Again, China is so ready!

     Scott, the little chinese boy who recently got baptized is still so incredible. He has cerebral palsy, but is super smart. He loves the scriptures and listened to the stories from the New Testament in one afternoon and then told us the whole story about Christ walking on water! It was such a miracle and so incredible. He loves this gospel so much and we see that every time we see him! I will attach a picture of him and his family (minus five children). 

     Those are kind of the big events of the week! I love serving here and I am so sorry that this letter is so short! Oh we did get in contact with some people that we haven't been able to reach and they are so golden and ready to learn! So good! This work is so important! It is hard, but so much more than worth it! I love being here and Serving the Lord!!!

     I hope that you all enjoy conference! If you do have anyone that you think could benefit from hearing of this gospel, or just needs a pick-me-up let me know and we can contact them! That is one of the really cool things about Temple Square, we can call people from all over the world and have people who speak many languages so if you know of anyone! Let a Sister missionary know from the temple Square Mission! I love you all and Listen to conference with a question in your heart and I can promise you that it will be answered!!

Sister Sara Snow

1. My district: Sister Ochoa (Mexico), Sister Ordonez (Honduras), Sister A. Lee (Clifornia), Sister M. Vargas (Spain), Sister Chen (Taiwan), Me.
2. This is part of the Walker family. Five of the children are not in the picture. Scott is the little boy who got baptized, I am sure you recognize him. 
3. For zone activity we went to a football game. It was so much fun! Kinda cold, but a good American experience! 

There Are No Coincidences 9/26/13

September 26, 2013

Hello To All,

     I hope that everyone is doing well. This week has been great! Yeah just like every other week! But it is just so amazing here that I can't get over it. I know that the Lord hears and answers all of our prayers, but He does in His way and His timing. But this week was great. We have really been praying hard that we would find and come in contact with those people who have been prepared by the Lord and that we would know what to say to them. We had three Mandarin tours, one right after the other!  It was so crazy because we were at the right place at the right time, just ending one tour and ready to start another one! The Lord definitely made it that way because there are absolutely no coincidences! 

     So then after we were done with the third tour a man came and asked if he could find out more about what we believe in. We were going to give him a tour but we just ended up staying where we were and talked about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. It was so amazing and he was so receptive and understood a lot what we were talking about. He ended up wanting a Book of Mormon, and I also gave him our number so that he could call whenever he had questions or wanted to learn more. So golden. 

     This week we were also able to set one of our investigators on date for baptism! Woot! His name is Brant and he has been in contact with us since before I was out here, but didn't really understand until like the last two weeks of the last transfer. So that is when we learned he likes to smoke marijuana before ready the Book of Mormon to "clear his mind." Yeah so then we talked about the word of wisdom with him and it took a few times, but he understands and has been clean for like a week! It is so great! He is really receptive and so ready to learn and will be meeting with the local missionaries soon. Oh this gospel is so true!

     Well I remember that I spoke of Scott in last weeks letter, and guess what? He got baptized!!! Yay!!! Now the family can prepare to go to the temple all together! It is such a beautiful thing! Oh and crazy thing about the baptism as we were closing the Joseph Smith movie in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and a Chinese lady wanted a tour. So we took her on one and then we asked her if she wanted to attend the baptism, she said yes! So she came and it was so cool, she then came back to the square the next day. We don't know what will happen next with her, but at least we planted a large seed, and miracles do happen!

     That is all the big news that I can think of right now. Sorry, so much happens in the week and I want to write ALL of it, but I think my letter would take days to write! Haha. The gospel is true. The atonement is real. I love being here and sharing this with so many people everyday. Remember that every member is a missionary and without members, the missionary work can't move forward, we need your help! So please help! I love you all so so much and hope you are all doing great! 

     Sister Sara Snow

The first one is Scott with all the missionaries that taught him. Sister Roffler (Switzerland), Me, Sister Chen, Scott, Elder Salmon and Elder Heath. Such a special Day. The second one is with the Sisters (especially Sister Chen) Scott, and Brother Walker, Scott's dad :)

Pictures - 2nd Transfer

Sisters Chen & Snow trying to prepare for a picture.

Sisters Snow, Vargas (Spain), Lee (CA), Chen (Taiwan)

At the Daughters of the Pioneers Museum for Zone Conference